Edipo Re

Radici experience
An Immersive Journey to Pellestrina
Embark on an immersive journey to the island of Pellestrina, the wild heart of the Venice Lagoon. Originally populated by people with “strange skin” (pelle-strana), this island has preserved its deep bond with nature and sociality over time.

Tradition solidifies the alliance between generations, and consensus is forged over time. Pellestrina represents the triumph of time over the ideology of consumption: a slow, expansive time of endless knowledge. This experience is brought to life by the relationship between the captain of the Edipo Re, Enrico Vianello, and the island where he was born. Hence the name “Radici” (roots).


Departure at 11:00 from Marina di Sant’Elena or Cavallino Treporti.

Return at 19:00/19:30 to Marina di Sant’Elena or Cavallino Treporti.

Navigate towards Pellestrina, passing by the island of Poveglia and the Lido.

During the journey, fruit and beverages will be served.

Dock at the pier of Ristorante di Celeste, who will bring their menu on board. After lunch, Enrico will take you to the nearby beach of Pellestrina, equipped with a picnic basket, towels, and an umbrella. Here, you can enjoy the local flora and fauna and experience a day like the locals on a completely wild beach.

After a warm shower, a tasting session with a local producer of either mussels or oysters will await you at the bow of the Edipo.

On the return trip, you will pass by the San Marco Basin at sunset.

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